Stephani Otte (CZI)
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Peter O'Toole: Okay, welcome to the microscope East and today i'm joined by stephanie asked for the chance, are converging initiative.
Peter O'Toole: So before you know what we really good to start with is.
Peter O'Toole: Actually, knowing what the season I.
Peter O'Toole: Chan Zuckerberg initiative actually assess definitely could you start by explaining about that, please.
Stephani Otte: yeah happy to so the chance Berg initiative was started by Dr priscilla Chan and mark Zuckerberg they have this broad mission.
Stephani Otte: to cure prevent or manage all disease by the turn of the century, which is a.
Stephani Otte: Pretty lofty lofty goal so i'm part of the the science initiative and we focus on this this broader goal, and right now we're focused on accelerating the pace of scientific discovery.
Stephani Otte: The philanthropy can work and kind of interesting ways so it's kind of a unique philanthropy so you can send grants, you know, so you can grant money to individuals or labs organizations.
Stephani Otte: Other foundations, but we also have a technology arm, so we build tools and tech, and we also try to work closely and collaborate with our grantees so there's a lot of Community development and capacity building, so we use all of these different modes, to be able to reach particular objectives.
Peter O'Toole: So.
Peter O'Toole: I am familiar with the.
Peter O'Toole: chance, I can beg initiative to start with, but for those that aren't it's.
Peter O'Toole: Not.
Peter O'Toole: it's quite broad in where you found them as different arms.
Peter O'Toole: Within this, he said, I have what type of things.
Peter O'Toole: You fund.
Peter O'Toole: And one of those is the.
Peter O'Toole: imaging the microscopy or imaging imaging or microscopy which is it.
Stephani Otte: imaging microscopy rolls up into to imaging so first we started a microscopy but now it's pretty broad and covers a lot of bio medical imaging techniques.
Peter O'Toole: Mr right.
Peter O'Toole: And things like that as well.
Stephani Otte: yeah MRI acoustic ultrasound pet imaging electron microscopy light microscopy the fall fall range.
Peter O'Toole: So this is really different to too many funding streams, whether it be charities, or whether it be government funding national funding streams.
Peter O'Toole: Very few adjust on.
Peter O'Toole: Technology and get here you are having get a whole.
Peter O'Toole: new set of money funds.
Peter O'Toole: Just for the technology itself so.
Peter O'Toole: What was the motivation behind that.
Stephani Otte: I mean, I think that tools and capricorn it be one of the key critical pieces to actually accelerating.
Stephani Otte: The pace of scientific discovery, so we need the tools to be able to actually visualize biological processes to be understand.
Stephani Otte: health and disease, and so I think it's really important to accelerate the pace and the adoption of tools and techniques, more broadly, and I think it's going to be a key piece to be able to to reach this this broader call for the initiative.
Peter O'Toole: You know I know I can very much see that so in the UK, certainly that.
Peter O'Toole: Are funding bodies have done special initiatives one offs.
Peter O'Toole: and have broader ones for technology be.
Peter O'Toole: But this is.
Peter O'Toole: You know this is continuous and I think that's really good and I I would bet.
Peter O'Toole: That you get more of applications, because it is defined.
Peter O'Toole: people realize it is for them and Kevin.
Peter O'Toole: But you must get lots of questions from potential.
Peter O'Toole: applicants.
Peter O'Toole: asking if it's relevant Is that correct.
Stephani Otte: yeah yeah we do, we definitely get a number of questions, and I mean we've been funding a lot of you know imaging scientists and tool developers and image analysts and community.
Stephani Otte: organizers have been a lot of who even funding as part of the program and I would say there hasn't been a lot of brands that have been directed towards these people before so sometimes.
Stephani Otte: You even hear that they're reading it and they're just like surprised this like actually describes them to a TEE and.
Stephani Otte: they're able to apply for a grant specifically for the work that they're doing so the imaging program in particular it's less funding for research scientist and more for these.
Stephani Otte: Other important folks within the broader ecosystem.
Peter O'Toole: So I think that's really important actually so.
Peter O'Toole: At the very start, you mentioned how.
Peter O'Toole: Technology is so important.
Peter O'Toole: For driving science, but it's not just the development of the technology.
Peter O'Toole: To what you've just said, is it almost.
Peter O'Toole: about bringing the Community together and Community initiative.
Peter O'Toole: To support the application of technology as well.
Peter O'Toole: Take you have good examples around that of what you're supported that wouldn't ordinarily find funding within ordinary streams.
Stephani Otte: yeah so right now we're funding imaging scientists that operate open access imaging facilities around the world.
Stephani Otte: And so we're supporting salaries of the imaging scientists and we bring them together for regular meetings and encourage collaboration and to tackle some of the biggest challenges.
Stephani Otte: That the imaging Community faces, we also fund umbrella organizations like global bio imaging and bio imaging North America and we fund.
Stephani Otte: frontiers projects so technology development projects, but we actually incentivize as part of the program collaboration amongst the grantees so in a phase two they can flip teams and apply for potentially more money.
Stephani Otte: To be able to to work together and collaborate on exciting new technology development projects.
Peter O'Toole: So.
Peter O'Toole: you kindly said some pictures in this picture I presume is art.
Peter O'Toole: it's a picture of your imaging.
Peter O'Toole: Scientists which I guess one advantage of code is a had the chance to get perfect pictures of everyone at once and.
Peter O'Toole: No one hiding behind the back.
Peter O'Toole: I guess, though, if I move so everyone can be seen it's a lot of scientists, how many of you funded to.
Stephani Otte: Cheese um so far, the imaging program so we have the the imaging scientist program I think there's 40 scientists and to umbrella organizations associated with that.
Stephani Otte: And then we have the frontiers work, so this is new technology development for deep tissue imaging.
Stephani Otte: there's a visual proteomics one that will be announced soon so there's about 30 total that will that we're funding as part of that, and then we find software developers.
Stephani Otte: That are building out a software analysis tool internally will be announcing my programs for the Community so yeah I would say, overall, you know hundred or so within the imaging community more broadly I should know this number.
Stephani Otte: is growing rapidly.
Peter O'Toole: Once you have about 200.
Peter O'Toole: I think it becomes irrelevant if it's 90 or 110 it's it's it's significant and and you brought up some interesting points which will come to.
Peter O'Toole: A bit later.
Peter O'Toole: How much in the way what what I I don't know this answer, what is the funding range low costs are high cost.
Peter O'Toole: What is sort of.
Peter O'Toole: The costume individual project.
Stephani Otte: yeah so the imaging program so the.
Stephani Otte: For the imaging scientists, we fund their salaries for five years, so there's a range of salaries, provide for the imaging scientists and then for some of our frontiers projects for deep tissue imaging we awarded each group $1 million.
Stephani Otte: second round of funding could be up to $10 million.
Stephani Otte: to accelerate the adoption of the technology so that would probably be kind of at our high end for an individual graph as around 10 million.
Peter O'Toole: See see now i'm thinking about what I could do.
Peter O'Toole: i'm going to concentrate on the seven so not not thinking about what I want to do.
Peter O'Toole: What that could be naval because that that really.
Peter O'Toole: Is yeah quite something.
Peter O'Toole: stephanie if we just go back Hello.
Peter O'Toole: What is your role.
Peter O'Toole: Within the initiative.
Stephani Otte: So I am the science officer for the imaging program and the role of the science officer, is to set strategy and oversee execution of the initiatives, so you determine.
Stephani Otte: Where we're going to to focus what are a phase, or what tools are tax, we should develop and then make sure that the people, the correct people are funded, or we build a proper teams internally and to be able to to meet the goals our strategic goals.
Peter O'Toole: And the House.
Peter O'Toole: i'm sure, a lot of people will argue that.
Peter O'Toole: You haven't chose the right things, or.
Peter O'Toole: You have chosen right things are certainly 100 people, and so you definitely did choose the.
Peter O'Toole: Right, things will be some that say well actually maybe you should be looking in different areas how'd you come to those decisions.
Stephani Otte: I mean, this is really a collaboration, so we listened to the Community that's first one of our values that CCI stay close to the work.
Stephani Otte: So we we host regular workshops, with the Community invite people in we hear about the challenges and opportunities.
Stephani Otte: We have advisors, we have an advisory board internally the imaging program just assembled an Advisory Board will be announcing this soon, but we listened a lot.
Stephani Otte: To to the broader community, and then we think through like what is the effort to be able to do something and then what's the potential impact, so you have to measure those two things, a lot of things could be high effort.
Stephani Otte: and low impact, and those are obviously not the ones you've wanted us to get started with.
Peter O'Toole: When you talk about the Community is this all academics, or do you have industry involved in these conversations.
Stephani Otte: i'm some industry partners involved in conversations, especially on the tech development side.
Stephani Otte: So there is a certain point at which technology will be developed an academic institutions and then we're thinking through a broader dissemination, I think this will be a more important point as we move through face to the frontiers projects and.
Stephani Otte: You know and we're we're also going to host a workshop on open hardware as well to understand challenges and opportunities what we care about really as broad dissemination.
Stephani Otte: So that is our ball and we can think through all of the avenues for for broad dissemination and the challenges associated with it.
Stephani Otte: and determine best path.
Peter O'Toole: So you're in this role.
Peter O'Toole: of having to weigh up on these voices opinions some that will have vested interests of those will be very holistic.
Peter O'Toole: In there.
Peter O'Toole: What they feel in the Community needs, even if it isn't.
Peter O'Toole: In their remit.
Peter O'Toole: To it's quite difficult to I guess to come.
Peter O'Toole: To decisions, but what is your background to start.
Stephani Otte: i'm neuroscientist by training, so I was I studied systems neuroscience and then this is a.
Stephani Otte: picture of me as I after Grad school and postdoc I was director of science in a neuro tech startup.
Stephani Otte: That was a spin out out of Stanford so we developed these little miniaturize microscopes that could be implanted.
Stephani Otte: into so the ammo would wear on the head there a deal a little bread lens or into scope on that'd be implanted into specific brain regions, and then you could visualize the ensemble activity, the calcium dynamics.
Stephani Otte: And so I ran a lab there and a application and translation team So that is where I sort of made this bridge from neuroscience more focused into into imaging and before I came to to CCI.
Peter O'Toole: So you have you say you says yes, Sir, so I guess you are an imager.
Peter O'Toole: you've got the perfect background, both from an academic sense and seeing business and the adult adaptation of technology and the need for it, good i've got a while kind of go back.
Peter O'Toole: To that picture actually what is in your hand.
Stephani Otte: that's a little mouse wearing wearing the microscope so the cool thing about this is you get dynamic pictures live pictures of information transmission within the brain, so you could study sensory processing or you could say a range of different tech fire.
Stephani Otte: paradigms and you can actually watch the neurons fire fire in real time and then try to decode their activity, so you try to see how the brain and codes information.
Stephani Otte: And it was a pretty cool job before this I was funny I was electrophysiologists and I was recording like a single individual neuron at a time, and here you could be like 1000 neurons at once, and so the amount of information, you can obtain was.
Stephani Otte: amazing.
Peter O'Toole: Okay, so it's a pretty cool job.
Peter O'Toole: Why change.
Peter O'Toole: Why go into this role.
Stephani Otte: I am a.
Stephani Otte: speaker I think so it's like this role came up I had colleagues that I knew that we're at Chan Zuckerberg initiative, so I switched over about two years ago and they were looking for somebody to you know run the imaging program and I was looking through the.
Stephani Otte: The job responsibilities and the type of person, they were looking for us like a lot like me.
Stephani Otte: which was, which was kind of fun, and so I you know, is a mission driven organization that could have brought global impact and the leadership of the science org was really inspiring to me, so I made the leap and jumped over.
Peter O'Toole: It is a big jump.
Peter O'Toole: Because you're no longer in the lab.
Peter O'Toole: itself.
And do you miss that aspect.
Stephani Otte: I don't so it my old company I wasn't doing lab work as much anymore, but I do miss interacting with data I really liked doing data analysis.
Stephani Otte: So I that part I mess, but I don't miss.
Stephani Otte: experimentation, to be on.
Stephani Otte: That was that was never my favorite part.
Peter O'Toole: is also going to move on to the importance of data actually it's a good.
Peter O'Toole: it's a good segue into it.
Peter O'Toole: imaging.
Peter O'Toole: you're getting lots of different data from lots of different.
Peter O'Toole: modalities How important is.
Peter O'Toole: data analysis.
Peter O'Toole: In in these.
Stephani Otte: I mean it's the critical piece in the critical bottleneck for almost all of these emerging technologies.
Stephani Otte: And also wanted the broad focus areas of the the imaging program so first we started with funding some.
Stephani Otte: Software fellows that are working on key open source software packages for the imaging community, but then we've also been putting a lot of resources, internally and developing an open source platform ourselves so it's a.
Stephani Otte: Multi dimensional image viewer called the party that can harness the the Python ecosystem.
Stephani Otte: And then we are incentivizing and working with the Community to build out plugins and analysis workflows and.
Stephani Otte: So I think it's it's going to be one of these key pieces that we're going to need to solve, and you can't just develop the technology without thinking through enabling the ability to extract quantitative insights from the data.
Stephani Otte: So.
Peter O'Toole: I guess that's going to be bringing good.
Peter O'Toole: mathematicians computer scientists as well.
Stephani Otte: Yes, yes, so yeah and part of the in the future too, so one thing that will be.
Stephani Otte: Announcing soon and opening up as a micro grants for plugin developers and algorithm developers and we could continue on this thread in the years to come, making sure mathematicians and.
Stephani Otte: rhythm developers are proud of the broader Community and also incentivized to do their work and rewarded and recognized for the work that they do I think that's an important part to.
Stephani Otte: It so making sure that people get the recognition they deserve.
Peter O'Toole: So i'm gonna be really cheeky I had a meeting with my PhD students and he sees a math.
Peter O'Toole: compete science mathematician.
Peter O'Toole: And she's got loaded code we're just going back to publish with it.
Peter O'Toole: And so, how are we going to make this available and the code is.
Peter O'Toole: What we'd really like to do is move it.
Peter O'Toole: between different coding.
Peter O'Toole: platforms so.
Peter O'Toole: converters and.
Peter O'Toole: That would be really useful so yeah.
Peter O'Toole: Whichever platform they're written it into the answer transfer it into can go into them as Jay or other open source.
Stephani Otte: platform yeah.
Peter O'Toole: y'all to access easily.
Peter O'Toole: Is that on your radar.
Stephani Otte: we're starting to discuss this more and more, there are some groups that are working on compatibility between.
Stephani Otte: platforms, we haven't directly incentivize this, but we keep hearing this and so these are these are important things when we hear something regularly from the Community, a lot of times, we have to explore it more and then figure out ways to incentivize it or to actually make it happen.
Peter O'Toole: and
Peter O'Toole: The more people will certainly that i'm talking to a different place.
Peter O'Toole: different elements and microscopy imaging or just science in general, actually so automating laser is it's a chief executive for UK.
Peter O'Toole: alrighty essentially on the government science funding.
Peter O'Toole: and very much.
Peter O'Toole: Ai deep learning.
Peter O'Toole: And really exploiting the.
Peter O'Toole: data and extrapolating that it is where it needs to.
Stephani Otte: Be yeah.
Peter O'Toole: I still think it's a long way off.
Peter O'Toole: And how do we played computer scientists that their career should be in.
Peter O'Toole: In bios in life.
Peter O'Toole: sciences and technology development.
Peter O'Toole: Rather than exploiting the stock market.
Stephani Otte: yeah I mean, I think this was one of those hard things we even find that said at cgi so it's the recruitment of software engineers to and Silicon Valley, because this is where we're work based or when we're talking about mathematicians or algorithm developers.
Stephani Otte: I mean, I think that the biggest thing is, you want mission that line people, so a lot of times, you have to be selective, but it has to be people that really believe in the broader mission and want to do something good for the world.
Stephani Otte: And could yeah align aligned with the mission and find a lot of motivation for that, because I think that the cost in salary differences, you know can be substantial.
Peter O'Toole: Just to give a word help those listings for the audio but some of the images.
Peter O'Toole: That can come out to the microscope so stunning, so you just you said nice image on cotton pataki.
Peter O'Toole: Which one, it is, but.
Peter O'Toole: It looks like and you go network, maybe of some sort.
Stephani Otte: I think that says a song you from Washington university, this is looking at blood flow using photo acoustic techniques which is pretty cool so he's in the combination of light and sound here.
Peter O'Toole: So it looks good and sounds good.
Peter O'Toole: complexity of that image, the eyes are so good.
Stephani Otte: At following.
Peter O'Toole: tracing seeing where junction seeing where.
Peter O'Toole: connections are being made and yet software still really struggles with that type of.
Peter O'Toole: Analysis and he said that complexity that.
Peter O'Toole: By the way, these makes some of the.
Peter O'Toole: Best soon backgrounds around.
Stephani Otte: I also like this one, I now yeah this is Karen Jacobs from.
Stephani Otte: And I think she's in South Africa, so they study, a lot of infectious disease and it's a T cell and HIV infected T cells, so I think the magenta is the.
Stephani Otte: HIV particles and the sign is the T cell receptors is what you're saying, but yeah that's one of our imaging scientists that we're supporting but yeah they send amazing pictures all the time.
Peter O'Toole: I like.
Stephani Otte: videos to we get lots of really cool videos from our from our broader community.
Peter O'Toole: The bcc the infection I don't if I really want to be in the Center of this that just makes me see.
Read yeah.
Peter O'Toole: I go one more, this is just I can't easily what's this image, this is gorgeous.
Stephani Otte: This is.
Stephani Otte: Brian have been using the fusion MRI and you're looking at hipaa Campbell slice and the rat brain and looking at white matter tracks, which is pretty cool so yeah we're supporting people that are developing computational techniques for MRI technologies as well.
Peter O'Toole: I think.
Peter O'Toole: Just that the three examples It just shows us how different the problems are that have been solved or being.
Peter O'Toole: studied using imaging and.
Peter O'Toole: Those different modalities.
Peter O'Toole: What about the importance of linking those modalities, because obviously you know they each one.
Peter O'Toole: can address a different question.
Peter O'Toole: But put them together with that not make it even more powerful.
Stephani Otte: yeah and I think that's a lot of what we're doing and our frontiers initiatives, we see a lot of combination of modalities so visual party omics while we will be funding a lot is not just on cryo electron tomography to be able to visualize.
Stephani Otte: near atomic resolution inside the cellular environment, but also correlated light and electron microscopy techniques and we see it, a lot in our front tears, and it should have associated with deep tissue imaging.
Stephani Otte: So we have all these different technologies sort of pointed at the same goal to be able to get high resolution imaging cellular resolution imaging deep into tissue.
Stephani Otte: So you have photo acoustic approaches and ultrasound approaches MRI X Ray all sort of pointed toward the same goal and we're actually seeing.
Stephani Otte: Pretty interesting collaboration now forming between the groups that you wouldn't have expected and so yeah I think is critically important and.
Stephani Otte: To build like a mechanistic understanding that way, a biological system works, a lot of times, we have to see the system at multiple levels or multiple scales and be able to to build a dynamic picture of what's happening and sometimes you have to do that with static shots over time.
Peter O'Toole: Do you have a fund equipment itself.
Stephani Otte: We do we don't have calls to find equipment itself as part of our frontiers initiative if we see that there's a particular piece of equipment that would help the broader group who we will find that equipment as part of be the initiative.
Peter O'Toole: you've got turned off the Mr Wise.
Peter O'Toole: You then went down to the.
Peter O'Toole: cryo em and then you go down to the.
Peter O'Toole: More classic like my escape and there's big price discrepancies between them and I, I guess, some people listening watching both know the price differences but actually I know a common folk maybe.
Peter O'Toole: I don't know $500,000, for example.
Peter O'Toole: But fire we m will be maybe a.
Peter O'Toole: couple of million dollars.
Stephani Otte: and a half.
Stephani Otte: I don't know, though yeah we haven't funded any equipment and they have the rain, you know with the different magnetic strengths so yeah off the top my head I don't know the full range of costs for MRI but yeah it's it's in the millions, I believe.
Peter O'Toole: yeah.
Peter O'Toole: And then.
Peter O'Toole: A question that many researchers asks like wow you know you you spend maybe seven and a half million dollars on a an aquarium how much funding could you do in other areas, but.
Peter O'Toole: isn't that more important than.
Peter O'Toole: using this technology that cost so.
Peter O'Toole: Much just to put the microscope in how, how is that.
Peter O'Toole: How do you communicate why that's so important.
Stephani Otte: Well, I think a lot of times when that technology is pretty expensive.
Stephani Otte: What happens for the scientific community is it gets house 10 common common facilities that multiple researchers have access to so it could actually open up a broad range of of applications.
Stephani Otte: And this is exactly what our imaging scientists do there.
Stephani Otte: They are, how they are running these open access imaging facilities and making sure to support the broad range of applications, so instead of funding the technology itself or funny that people that support that technology.
Stephani Otte: and trying to expand the range of applications that are opened up.
Peter O'Toole: yeah that's that's really so so my day job is running a core facility a shared resource and the importance of.
Peter O'Toole: maximizing the benefits from any just like you had all those different sciences, you had the.
Peter O'Toole: brains, you had the bloods you had the infection.
Peter O'Toole: and actually the techniques.
Peter O'Toole: can be applied to most of those different questions and so being able to share it is really important, and that that certainly yes certainly my area that i'm passionate about.
Peter O'Toole: yeah make.
Peter O'Toole: sure that those roles, because they're not classic academic roles.
Stephani Otte: But they are.
Peter O'Toole: Equally, I would.
Peter O'Toole: Of course, I would argue this I guess you know they're still very academic in their mindset, they still have to have the same.
Peter O'Toole: Expertise the skills, but now have to instead of just.
Peter O'Toole: using it to address one question it's all in the technology and being able to.
Peter O'Toole: turn it to different technologies and so thank you actually for funding so many of the initiatives that that supports.
Peter O'Toole: That grouping of people and making.
Peter O'Toole: Sure they're well recognized.
Peter O'Toole: yeah again really proud to support them yeah it's an amazing group of people.
Peter O'Toole: You know I think he makes not just a difference to their awareness, I think it gives them some more pride in their job and the acknowledgement that it exists UK I will champion UK at this point, I know the technicians commitment from our research Councils.
Peter O'Toole: And hit and read what all now really to highlight this importance and their careers are being.
Peter O'Toole: recognized, which is great, but.
Peter O'Toole: I think the funding initiatives to enable them to get funding to support those is also really important especially globally.
Stephani Otte: act like.
Peter O'Toole: international scale.
Peter O'Toole: So.
Peter O'Toole: What has been the biggest challenge to date.
Peter O'Toole: Start start with actually in your whole career.
Peter O'Toole: What has been your biggest challenge today.
Stephani Otte: In my whole career hi i'm just like i'm seat challenge so it's always like I always want to work on something that is complex and complicated and difficult to get off the ground.
Stephani Otte: So I would say I regularly work to I seek out these challenges and and everything that that I do, and you know it cgi you know you came in and was like.
Stephani Otte: The imaging was a strategic direction that cgi was going to focus on, but why do you focus on what do you fund, what do you get off the ground.
Stephani Otte: You know, was that was a big challenge to develop up you know, a full strategic framework for a while we're going to invest in our belt, but it was it was a lot of fun.
Peter O'Toole: So, so I guess I should you send me some personal pictures as well.
Stephani Otte: and think.
Peter O'Toole: Challenges you know.
Peter O'Toole: When you think about building pyramids, so he you must be obviously in.
Peter O'Toole: Egypt to this point either is.
Peter O'Toole: That in some studio somewhere.
Stephani Otte: yeah no yeah I was pretty big into traveling prior kids so I did a lot of like backpacking and traveling around the world.
Peter O'Toole: But.
Peter O'Toole: Just think about the logistics of.
Peter O'Toole: date have had to overcome.
Peter O'Toole: To solve this earning the time that I guess they've had to build a pyramid user in a timely manner.
Peter O'Toole: yeah honestly I think voting a camel is pretty challenging to.
Peter O'Toole: start with.
Stephani Otte: The account not very nice.
Peter O'Toole: Getting up and down on them is it's not yeah the most trivial thing.
Peter O'Toole: In the world, I think it would be fair to say, at that point.
Peter O'Toole: You said you like challenges.
Peter O'Toole: This this picture gone you describe this picture you know more about this than I do, obviously.
Stephani Otte: uh yeah this was skydiving so i've been skydiving a few times and I took my my mom for her her birthday.
Stephani Otte: One year.
Peter O'Toole: brave mama that point.
Peter O'Toole: yeah.
Peter O'Toole: and your life being in freefall ever since.
Stephani Otte: That i'm joking yeah.
Peter O'Toole: Nice soft parachute landing.
Peter O'Toole: At that time, so you said traveling, this is another I think of you traveling.
Stephani Otte: yeah just send Japan, so I went there with my husband.
Stephani Otte: I don't know how long ago that picture was but yeah lots of traveling and backpacking.
Peter O'Toole: So to backpacking would this be.
Stephani Otte: yeah so this one, was one of these I don't even know where i'm at at some place, I think this was in California, but a lot of times, where you would hike through the night to be able to reach peak at sunrise, but it was super lucky.
Peter O'Toole: I was about to say the view looks.
Peter O'Toole: Pretty typical of anyone who climbs mountains, you get to the top it's me at the.
Peter O'Toole: Bottom you get to the top you just didn't code.
Stephani Otte: yeah yeah exactly.
Peter O'Toole: Be thoughtful, at least in the picture.
Stephani Otte: I think that's that's why I like hiking and other things like that it's.
Stephani Otte: A nice time for thinking.
Peter O'Toole: Get time to do it.
Stephani Otte: Not as no um well right now with co bed not traveling at all for the job that was one of the cool aspects of the this job is the ability to to travel more so.
Stephani Otte: At the beginning, I was doing a fair a fair amount of traveling and had some pretty cool trips that were planned, but right now we've been at home, since February of last year and will not go back into the offices until 2020 so almost two years and how.
Peter O'Toole: Long you been we see that on.
Stephani Otte: Two years.
Peter O'Toole: Okay, so gosh it's.
Over yeah.
Stephani Otte: yeah majority of the time now, has been working from home.
Peter O'Toole: yeah that's about timing, I was gonna walk.
Peter O'Toole: You know the selling this just realize sees it, I I do curls eyes know, especially their files on their COMP vocals a CSI files.
Peter O'Toole: So I think it sounds.
Stephani Otte: Good that confusion.
Peter O'Toole: brilliant brilliant advertising by size for your Vice versa, so I don't know which way it goes yeah.
Peter O'Toole: cast were to come back to work, a bit.
Peter O'Toole: what's been the biggest frustration at work, since working as he said, I work what other been points we think gosh I just wish we could do this.
Peter O'Toole: Faster or.
Peter O'Toole: I wish this wasn't a problem.
Peter O'Toole: Whereas been your biggest frustration.
Stephani Otte: i'm trying to think like I have loved this job, and it was.
Stephani Otte: I don't know I feel like i've been able or collectively we've been able to get you know big initiatives off the ground.
Stephani Otte: I think sometimes you know you're working in a pretty complex environment with multi stakeholder and trust, and so you have to get a lot of alignment across a number of individuals to to be able to accomplish something.
Stephani Otte: It can be challenging but I also find it incredibly rewarding which is pretty typical the most challenging things always end up being that the most rewarding.
Peter O'Toole: So.
Peter O'Toole: That you're so positive.
Peter O'Toole: about the policy then what's been the most fun moment you've had so far, it seems that I.
Stephani Otte: Most fun moments I think so, this was like week three on the job like week to week three and I needed to present to Dr priscilla Chan and mark Zuckerberg about what the the strategy of the imaging program would be.
Stephani Otte: Like fresh on the job, and that was that was such a fun conversation, and they like encouraged.
Stephani Otte: me to think bigger and more broad and like push the frontiers of imaging so I was like okay this job is going to be fun.
Stephani Otte: So I really enjoyed that.
Peter O'Toole: The How often do you get to or.
Peter O'Toole: How often.
Peter O'Toole: Do you get to talk to them meet with them.
Stephani Otte: Because they were really involved and the the organization and across everything so she it's a daily job you know so um any broaden it shouldn't have that we get off the ground.
Stephani Otte: You know priscilla is involved in approval and discussing implications of those broad initiative so priscilla is very involved and and mark.
Stephani Otte: is involved on kind of a regular check in cadence across the the initiatives but yeah priscilla when we run office we saw her on you know, nearly a daily basis.
Peter O'Toole: i'll forgive you for saying that's been the most fun moment and not actually recording this with me, but you haven't finished this ship.
Stephani Otte: Oh yes, and this this of course.
Peter O'Toole: So the incoming huge thing bigger.
Peter O'Toole: Broader got where's it going.
Stephani Otte: yeah so right now, what we have a couple of things that we're focused on, and so you know we've.
Stephani Otte: Funded a bunch of the imaging scientists around the globe and we're trying to expand now global access to bio imaging, so we will be announcing an initiative really soon where we're actually trying to expand access to emerging technologies and infrastructure and plug and.
Stephani Otte: groups from low expenditure low country expenditure on research and development, so this will target, Africa and Latin America and sort of broadening what the global.
Stephani Otte: imaging community is that's one one big thing and then tech development projects and analysis tools will be a big focus areas for us.
Peter O'Toole: that's a conversation for off air as well, because that that sounds really cool.
Peter O'Toole: And I think our facilities out there.
Stephani Otte: I would love to chat about that.
Stephani Otte: More um yeah.
Peter O'Toole: Actually, you talked about your scientists.
Peter O'Toole: So this is Michelle I think.
Stephani Otte: yeah Michelle natano at unc she's she's fantastic.
Peter O'Toole: On on on you know, on a microscope.
Peter O'Toole: that's, all I can say I can't see I can't.
I can't.
Peter O'Toole: See you next time.
Stephani Otte: yeah i'm sorry.
Peter O'Toole: yeah so to see it, I can say in this point she's got a car that I fall behind her.
Peter O'Toole: So that bit by coincidence.
Peter O'Toole: We have many others what's.
Stephani Otte: I think this is Sarah mcardle from.
Stephani Otte: la jolla Institute of immunology.
Stephani Otte: yeah, so I think that they study range of infectious disease there.
Stephani Otte: And then, looking at like inflammatory.
Stephani Otte: Responses so it's like a range of inflammatory disorders.
Peter O'Toole: And then obviously I showed it to what these.
Peter O'Toole: you've told me a couple of group photos.
Stephani Otte: So yeah this was from one of our frontiers.
Stephani Otte: So what I was talking about before, is that we, a lot of times we host these exploratory then so we bring in thought leaders from around the field, and I believe this is one.
Stephani Otte: That we were focused on looking at the challenges and opportunities related to electron microscopy, with a focus on cryo electron tomography.
Peter O'Toole: Well we'll see.
Peter O'Toole: we'll see how.
Stephani Otte: This is by CZ bio hub, which is.
Stephani Otte: in San Francisco and it's a meeting or convergence place for a lot of the the bay area university Stanford Berkeley ucsf and then there was a group of researchers that work at the bio hub and focus on a number of technology development and research projects.
Peter O'Toole: and
Peter O'Toole: A different group.
Stephani Otte: yeah, so this is also a frontiers workshop, so this one we invited people from focusing on a range of different techniques, but this.
Stephani Otte: Group was and some of the ideas that came out of here, is why we decided to focus on deep tissue imaging, and so there was some really cool technologies that the the group was presenting them and we we decided this would be a fantastic area to support, which is a lot of fun.
Peter O'Toole: lots of people have a lot of thanks to.
Peter O'Toole: Those.
Peter O'Toole: those groups that are there.
Peter O'Toole: And on this week.
Stephani Otte: My boys.
Stephani Otte: That was our I have two sons age, three and five So those are my my boys, there are quite a bit of fun too.
Peter O'Toole: Young get to realize that they're going to be scientists.
Stephani Otte: yeah yeah.
Peter O'Toole: Maybe scientists.
Peter O'Toole: So.
Peter O'Toole: How do you balance you've got two three years.
Peter O'Toole: You know I bet you locked down it's probably not being a bad thing.
Peter O'Toole: In some respects, you probably have more time with them being around at least.
Peter O'Toole: Have the hope.
Peter O'Toole: Having the two young children, so they will give.
Peter O'Toole: demanding.
And having this job.
Stephani Otte: yeah I would say right now that you know personal time.
Stephani Otte: is pretty low so but yeah I don't know they yeah it can be difficult and challenging I mean i'm lucky I have like a great.
Stephani Otte: Partner So there you know dad's actively involved so we've just been making it work and they were able to, we were able to find a hybrid approach for the older one and full time take care for the younger, one which is good so we're both still able to work but yeah juggling.
Stephani Otte: I think everyone at this point and parents of young children are are used to to figuring out how to how to juggle life and make it work.
Peter O'Toole: And how to maximize everything they can own children as well to get.
Peter O'Toole: The attention.
Peter O'Toole: To.
Peter O'Toole: Who cooks at home, then.
Stephani Otte: We split the task, so I used to love, I used to love cooking I found a lot of enjoyment now we're very like structured it's like crock pot Monday taco Tuesday.
Stephani Otte: I list and so yeah my husband and I split split the duty and we have specific days that we cook on he gets grill day on on Sunday, which is really nice but yeah we we basically split all all tasks at home.
Peter O'Toole: But.
who's the better cook.
Stephani Otte: He is I think he's more like experimental.
Stephani Otte: and
Stephani Otte: yeah a lot of times, it turns out, really good.
Peter O'Toole: what's his best dish that he cooks.
Stephani Otte: I think that's like seared salmon vetting makes with this orange Tabasco sauce is delicious.
Stephani Otte: I really like that one.
Peter O'Toole: What about yourself what's your signature dish what's.
Stephani Otte: Cheese what is my signature dish i've been so bland lately because it's also cooking for three to five year old if.
Stephani Otte: Anything was spicer anything yeah I like.
Stephani Otte: know what my signature dish might be i've liked.
Stephani Otte: tie and sushi and other things like that, but I haven't.
Peter O'Toole: eaten yet, would you rather eat out.
Peter O'Toole: or eating.
Stephani Otte: You don't eat out that much as well, especially with.
Peter O'Toole: coconut and.
Stephani Otte: yeah we did definitely enjoy going to a nice restaurant forging a little every once in a while, but yeah I would say almost the majority of our our meals, are our end and we cook.
Peter O'Toole: coffee or tea.
Peter O'Toole: What favorite coffee we.
Peter O'Toole: express your Espresso Ricardo cappuccinos.
America yeah.
Stephani Otte: Straight copy.
Stephani Otte: I need it every morning, to be able to exist.
Stephani Otte: it's absolutely required.
Peter O'Toole: I like this question is for so to americanos the long and short of it isn't it really.
Peter O'Toole: What about wine or beer.
Stephani Otte: wine.
Stephani Otte: And whiskey whiskey.
Peter O'Toole: While your spirit of wine, a cocktail so risky.
Peter O'Toole: gulch so Scotch whiskey is Bourbons.
Stephani Otte: purpose, I like Bourbons I like Scotch to but Bourbons purpose special place for me.
Peter O'Toole: i'm What about so to chill out in the evening, would you read a book, would you watch TV watch a movie.
Stephani Otte: or you'd like to play outside and yeah so take the kids outside go for hikes go for walks and yeah we enjoy having outdoor time quite a bit, so I think that's one of my favorite things to do is get the boys outside plus it gets her enter to yell at you two young boys.
Stephani Otte: it's really important.
Peter O'Toole: Okay So what do you watch on TV at the moment you got.
Peter O'Toole: Two young children.
Stephani Otte: Not I mean they watch some things that I just don't enjoy it at all, and so they enjoy little cartoons and whatnot and I like more SCI fi and dark comedy and a lot of what I enjoy watching I can't really watch around my children so.
Peter O'Toole: comedy yeah maybe baby no.
Peter O'Toole: limitation.
Peter O'Toole: What about reading you read books.
Stephani Otte: I used to read quite a bad like I like SCI fi to like my favorite authors Kurt vonnegut I really enjoyed his a lot of his his work, but yeah lately I haven't been doing a lot of reading that isn't for work yeah yeah just time hasn't really permitted it.
Peter O'Toole: And what about music.
Stephani Otte: Oh yeah a whole range of music that I enjoy, but I think my kids have now monopolized all of.
Stephani Otte: They they like kidz bop which is remakes of popular songs and now I listened to that and it plays in my head over and over again.
Stephani Otte: i'll enjoy it when they expand their their musical tastes.
Peter O'Toole: i've never asked anyone do you like to work with musical in the background or silence in the background.
Peter O'Toole: yeah yeah.
Stephani Otte: yeah yeah and less and less when I was doing analysis like if I was trying to analyze data, and then I would put music on in the background and try it out like to now the entire world.
Peter O'Toole: yeah I think that has it so good.
Peter O'Toole: Night owl or early bird.
Stephani Otte: Early bird for sure.
Peter O'Toole: How how early early like.
Stephani Otte: i'm up around five every morning.
Peter O'Toole: Is that a West Coast phenomena.
Peter O'Toole: See so much more east coast.
Stephani Otte: I grew up on a farm it's a farm.
Stephani Otte: With my entire family was like early risers no one slept in like if the sun was up you were up, it was just like unacceptable to sleep in if the sun.
Peter O'Toole: So you're not a night owl as well.
Stephani Otte: If i'm working on something like I love working into the night if it's like a complex problem that i'm trying to solve or like a strategy trying to lay it out and.
Stephani Otte: Then i'll stay up pretty late into the night it's like where I can get my best thinking done um but I try not to do that too often, so I can actually get some sleep.
Peter O'Toole: and watch your suits a couple more quick questions I see what's your pet hate.
Stephani Otte: what's my.
Peter O'Toole: Oh hey yeah.
Stephani Otte: I like what annoys me the most.
Stephani Otte: and
Stephani Otte: They say podcasts and part.
Stephani Otte: Two when people chew gum when they're speaking to me.
Stephani Otte: or a house when they're eating yeah.
Peter O'Toole: i'm debating it's not the best thing in the world, is it.
Stephani Otte: Really.
Peter O'Toole: really good dinner time music.
Stephani Otte: yeah that's where you want the music.
Peter O'Toole: Yes, and what you most love what's your favorite objects in the House.
Stephani Otte: A favorite objects cheese I don't know.
Stephani Otte: I don't even know what my favorite we have a favorite room my husband and I have like an adult room words like chill fireplace and Nice furniture and Nice artwork and.
Peter O'Toole: We keep my kids out that's not.
Peter O'Toole: that's a good answer.
Peter O'Toole: i'll take that out that's a very good answer so.
Peter O'Toole: we've talked a lot about.
Peter O'Toole: Communication and the importance, why is it.
Peter O'Toole: yeah from a season I.
Peter O'Toole: and science in general, why is communication so important.
Stephani Otte: Well, I mean, I think you know a lot of when you're talking about accelerating the pace of scientific discovery and doing like focusing on some of these common challenges.
Stephani Otte: You need to have broad Community buy in a lot of this is funded through you know taxpayer money.
Stephani Otte: and addressing you know Community challenges and so being able to articulate what you're doing how it could impact.
Stephani Otte: Broader society getting multiple people involved I think when when people have a common goal that they're working towards like a lot of really amazing things can happen, and I think communicating what that goal is and why it's important is a critical piece and and doing this.
Peter O'Toole: And and.
Peter O'Toole: Is that just communicating between scientists or.
Peter O'Toole: communicating to the broader.
Stephani Otte: Population out to the broader population I think communication between scientists is clearly essential it's.
Stephani Otte: A lot of times you know, a problem or challenge that you're trying to address has been addressed or somebody else's thinking about it from from a different angle, and so you know we focus a lot on Community development and allowing our grantees to.
Stephani Otte: exchange information exchange experience and to build, but I also think it's really important to be able to communicate to the to the broader public as well.
Peter O'Toole: You know, do you think all scientists appreciate that to the same degree.
Stephani Otte: Now of course people there's always a range of what people appreciate, or what they think is you know, important to do so, some scientists are excellent communicators and.
Stephani Otte: You know, we do a lot of funding of what we call outreach activists like people that really think about broader Community initiatives and trying to bring a lot of people along and.
Stephani Otte: They others people that also really prefer to like focus setting on their research question and but love it if they never had to.
Stephani Otte: To give a public talk.
Stephani Otte: there's a full range.
Peter O'Toole: I love it, you know.
Peter O'Toole: there's one thing about trying to get scientists.
Peter O'Toole: communicate to.
Peter O'Toole: The did, the more the lay public the general public.
Peter O'Toole: At that point.
Peter O'Toole: But.
Peter O'Toole: To a degree, some of them struggle to communicate amongst themselves.
Peter O'Toole: as well, and now.
Peter O'Toole: it'd be interesting you've got a lot of different awardees.
Peter O'Toole: let's start off with the frontiers and the imaging scientists how different Are they in.
Peter O'Toole: Their personalities asked us, I do they could you almost.
Peter O'Toole: If you to do some D convolution could you put them into their separate.
Peter O'Toole: accounts, you know just talking to them, which be able to put them into a or B frontiers and imaging scientist or whatever much closer than that.
Stephani Otte: There are a lot closer than that, I think, like where you couldn't just pick up on individual traits and and there's a pretty big range, I mean, I do think that the imaging scientists are some of the most collaborative open.
Stephani Otte: Scientists that I have worked with so it's really an amazing community, so I do think that there's kind of a special a special thing with the.
Stephani Otte: imaging scientists, in particular, you can get some tech developers that have those qualities, but a lot of times they'll be focused more on their particular question and get pretty deep into you know specific technological specifications and other things like that so.
Peter O'Toole: yeah that'd be fun.
Peter O'Toole: Cluster analysis of scientists would be brilliant.
Peter O'Toole: To.
Peter O'Toole: Go.
Peter O'Toole: How just.
Peter O'Toole: just thinking of the awardees in general, how different.
Peter O'Toole: Are they, what are the extremes of the people you're working with.
Stephani Otte: I mean so it's interesting because the imaging program compared to the other initiatives are are pretty different you know, on who we fund so there's like a neuro degeneration group and a single cell and inflammation.
Stephani Otte: That funds, a lot of the individual researchers in our thinking through you know career development for them, they have a lot of focus on early stage investigators.
Stephani Otte: A lot of who we fund our you know the people that run open access course you know tech developers.
Stephani Otte: yeah, so I think that's a lot of the people we do find though I mean we keep a special eye out for people that focus on collaboration to.
Stephani Otte: And I think it's like being part of them that network we may focus on groups like this, but I don't know there's a there's a range but they're all they're all terrific.
Stephani Otte: lawyer our great.
Peter O'Toole: guest as Paul to your role at the park to the season oh own goal.
Peter O'Toole: is to develop those networks from to nurture really encouraged them.
Peter O'Toole: Okay yeah.
Peter O'Toole: large extent how open, is it so these networks, how how'd you get others.
Peter O'Toole: outside of the funding network involved to to hear their voices and to.
Peter O'Toole: To kind of make sure that those who.
Peter O'Toole: sees it, I funded or having wider impacts yeah.
Peter O'Toole: We start enabled.
Stephani Otte: yeah so we're working on our Community development plans now far for imaging but one of the you know for imaging scientist, for instance, we do also fun these.
Stephani Otte: umbrella organizations like level bio imaging or bio imaging North America that have larger oversights and there's multiple.
Stephani Otte: imaging cores or networks of core facilities that engage with these partners we're also talking about ways and making sure that we include.
Stephani Otte: The broader Community that's really important to us because we don't do it it's just our the cgi imaging scientists as who we want to support, we want to support the broader.
Stephani Otte: You know imaging efforts around the globe and so we're actively working and exploring ideas are also appreciated here of how to get others.
Stephani Otte: to actively work together we're interested in elevating their role we're interested in getting additional funding.
Stephani Otte: Through government funding or through other foundations to us it's really important that these groups get spotlighted and more investment and imaging infrastructure and people a curse.
Peter O'Toole: And so i'm.
Peter O'Toole: Fighting dates.
Peter O'Toole: For myself, actually more than I did.
So these podcasts itself.
Peter O'Toole: comment was going to go now.
Peter O'Toole: question.
Peter O'Toole: How much of the funding this may be a difficult question to answer I.
Peter O'Toole: don't know how much the funding goes to us scientists, how much.
Peter O'Toole: outside of the US.
Stephani Otte: Our first round of imaging scientists was fully in the US second round was global so people globally could apply it was about a 5050 split the next round is all outside the US.
Stephani Otte: So everything that we will be funding we're really focused on again these these countries that have low expenditure on research and development, so we'll be focusing exclusively on on those groups.
Stephani Otte: And then, for our frontiers there's a range so it's it's all over the globe, but tends to be in you know us Europe.
Peter O'Toole: Yes, so I met Kevin Thompson was one of the awardees.
Peter O'Toole: With the most recent.
Peter O'Toole: They carry very well through the wall microscopic on society, how do you justify having not in the US, this time around.
Stephani Otte: um well, we were taking a look at where so we're trying to develop this level network, and I think it's really important to hear the voices of you know why people are using emerging technologies and what sort of applications they're trying to support more broadly.
Stephani Otte: And you can take a map and look at like where the imaging scientists are you know that we have funded, it was clear that there's just you know huge gaps like there's hardly anyone in Africa that we're finding hardly anyone, and you know, South America.
Stephani Otte: and Asia, we have big gaps in Asia and then so we started talking with imaging scientists they're exploring it in more detail, having end up conversations understanding what their needs are.
Stephani Otte: And so you know we really want to make a targeted approach to to bring these people into the into the broader global community, we think it's really important that their voices represented and I heard.
Peter O'Toole: This is not a setup question any way.
Peter O'Toole: To fill in the importance of social media.
Peter O'Toole: Is.
In all of this.
Stephani Otte: I mean, I think, social media is you know can allow like a lot of people use Twitter for science, you know so um I think like my Twitter like i'm not actively involved in social media, but I would say a lot of my colleagues it's like Twitter science, you know.
Stephani Otte: that's how they they're exchanging information they get updated so I would say that's a pretty popular platform for for scientists overall and can allow them to more broadly communicate widely.
Peter O'Toole: Now, though, I would fully agree.
Peter O'Toole: The reason for asking.
Peter O'Toole: there's a Twitter account, which I think he's imaging Africa, I think, which is certainly a microscopy orientated Twitter.
Peter O'Toole: yeah like.
Peter O'Toole: 13 to 27 eight.
Peter O'Toole: Some of the work into Africa itself.
Peter O'Toole: So, so there are already these sort of foundations it's really making them empowering them and enabling and so be interesting to see where that goes, I think, social media is important.
Peter O'Toole: i've got just one more work question which is Have you ever got.
Peter O'Toole: Any disgruntled customers.
Peter O'Toole: That come back or maybe didn't fund them.
Peter O'Toole: or.
Peter O'Toole: they've been criticized for some reason, we had to cope with anything like that.
Stephani Otte: I guess a little bit like some people, you know.
Stephani Otte: may like wonder why they didn't get funded and a lot of times you know it's.
Stephani Otte: You know the the labs or the the groups are really dependent upon the funding to be able to operate the facility or operate their lab, and so we understand that.
Stephani Otte: But you know we go through kind of a rigorous process whenever we have an rfa and there's you know multiple rounds of external reviews, a lot of times we have a.
Stephani Otte: panel meeting and there you know competitive application so i'm a little bit um but you know we understand where people are coming from and you know the need that they're trying to trying to address.
Peter O'Toole: yeah getting that point is a tough world.
Peter O'Toole: When they're in that scenario I guess if that's.
Peter O'Toole: Their dependent their jobs, the jobs of their staff are dependent on it.
Peter O'Toole: But, but that science.
Peter O'Toole: Whether that's right or wrong in science, that that's not something that is the.
Peter O'Toole: funders fault.
Peter O'Toole: that's the way science buns you kind of live and die by your success and your vision of moving forward.
Peter O'Toole: But it can be a harsh world.
Peter O'Toole: I can imagine.
Peter O'Toole: That I wouldn't be a day to envy.
Stephani Otte: Your position.
Peter O'Toole: of having to.
Peter O'Toole: Go back and.
Peter O'Toole: Give them the bad news.
Stephani Otte: When it hasn't been yeah but.
Peter O'Toole: we've all had it we've all heard it.
Peter O'Toole: And yeah best reaction is to come back stronger.
Peter O'Toole: For the next day.
Peter O'Toole: On a more positive note, I think we covered up to the.
Peter O'Toole: To the hour mark.
Peter O'Toole: I should have wrote down the time we started, so I think it's about an hour out.
Peter O'Toole: At the moment, so.
Peter O'Toole: to any other more entertaining note.
To have a better.
Stephani Otte: effect stuff, so this is my my son's favorite joke for for kindergarten what's green and has little yellow wheels.
Peter O'Toole: I don't know what's green and has little yellow wheels.
Stephani Otte: brass I was just kidding about the little yellow wheels.
Peter O'Toole: I like the humor.
Peter O'Toole: Even gets that job.
Peter O'Toole: job I can think of so many.
Peter O'Toole: Derivatives of that that's what i'm going to use that.
Peter O'Toole: Like that's Tony said he's got a really great job.
Stephani Otte: yeah.
Peter O'Toole: Definitely, is there anything else you'd like to bring up before we.
Peter O'Toole: Finish anything you'd like to mention from a season I perspective, even.
Stephani Otte: know I don't I don't think so definitely really enjoy it, I mean we're just really interested in continuing working with the broader imaging community, and you know expanding their role and putting a focus on all the great work that everyone's doing.
Stephani Otte: And so we just want to to be able to continue doing this.
Peter O'Toole: And if anyone has an idea of what they think you should be funding go anything else has to they just email sees that it should they email you.
Peter O'Toole: How should they contact you with ideas suggestions, comments.
Stephani Otte: yeah so we have a if you go to the CCI.
Stephani Otte: website and go to the editing program there's a contact information for the folks that work on the imaging programs, so people are felt free to to reach out, we definitely read those we take them into consideration yeah so we'd love love to hear from people.
Peter O'Toole: Okay stephanie Thank you very much.
Peter O'Toole: Before you go I just like to say to.
Peter O'Toole: For those who are listening it's worth.
Peter O'Toole: tuning into the YouTube.
Peter O'Toole: Just to see the images.
Peter O'Toole: That were forwarded.
Peter O'Toole: The actual because they they really were mind blowing Lee brilliant and I do think that you should have a load of wallpapers that you can just send out a zoom.
Stephani Otte: background.
Peter O'Toole: Because they are fantastic.
Peter O'Toole: Why can't use them again which i'm gutted because they really were.
Peter O'Toole: brilliant to us.
Peter O'Toole: So, again yeah Thank you very much, definitely for joining us.
Peter O'Toole: Thanks for listening to this place in the by across the face.
Peter O'Toole: Please do subscribe to the channels and.
Peter O'Toole: I hope.
Peter O'Toole: You really enjoyed this was definitely you've been brilliant, thank you very much.
Stephani Otte: Thank you take care.
Stephani Otte: bye.